
New article: Results reporting for clinical trials led by medical universities and university hospitals in the Nordic countries was often missing or delayed

We would like to invite you to read a new article published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. The article, entitled ‘Results reporting for clinical trials led by medical universities and university hospitals in the Nordic countries was often missing or delayed’, is the result of a multi-centre research collaboration led by Gustav Nilsonne (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden) and Cathrine Axfors (Meta-research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), Stanford University, USA).

Paola Buedo has been awarded the doctoral degree

The Council of the Discipline of Health Sciences at Jagiellonian University awarded Paola Buedo, MD, MA the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Health Sciences in the discipline of Health Sciences by Resolution No. 12/IV/2024 of 18 December 2024. The dissertation defence was held on 5 December 2024. Our sincerest congratulations!

Tomasz Krawczyk with the Award for the Best Doctoral Student

We are delighted to announce that Tomasz Krawczyk has been awarded the Second Degree Prize for the Best Doctoral Student in the Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences at the Jagiellonian University Medical College. This award was granted in recognition of his exceptional scientific achievements during the 2023/2024 academic year. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Tomasz Krawczyk on this noteworthy achievement.

Seamless trials in oncology: A cross-sectional analysis of characteristics and reporting

We invite you to read our new article published in PLOS One. Our objective was to examine the basic characteristics of seamless early-phase oncology trials registered on the database and to determine their results reporting rates.

Risk and Benefit for Basket Trials in Oncology: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Come and see REMEDY’s new publication! Our aim was to describe the risks and benefits of basket clinical trials in oncology.